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Subscribe & Donate To Foldback Magazine!

Foldback Magazine, the NT’s premier live music publication, is asking for your help. As a non-profit, volunteer-based organisation, Foldback Magazine need funds to cover a few essential overheads so we can continue supporting and promoting the Territory’s unique and incredible music industry and artists – so please donate today!

Donations can be made through the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) portal here:…/foldback-magazine-…/

*Don’t forget that donations over $2.00 through the ACF are tax-deductible!

The live music industry is an incredibly important part of the Australian culture and economy so please get on board and help us to help music artists bring their art to the world! Check out our video below to get a taste of what Foldback Magazine can do 

**Want regular insights into the Territory’s live music scene directly into your inbox?? Sign up as a subscriber to Foldback Magazine and support our volunteer’s hard work bringing you the latest NT music news here:

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