By Steve 'Habibi' Kelk

If you like it swampy and raw, you’re gunna love Gored Matadors’ debut EP release ‘Automatic Suck Mechanism’ being launched at the Happy Yess this Saturday.
Long on talent and short on subtlety, Darwin locals Gored Matadors deliver kidney-punch after kidney-punch on this five-track independent swamp-punk-troppo-blues release. The eviscerating vocals and guitar of front-man Tim Foiler growl in unison while Rod Fitzgerald’s band-saw tenor sax sits just behind, adding an edgy depth. Phillip Eaton underscores it all with a low groove on bass in lockstep with Alphonse Turk on drums, providing some interesting syncopation especially on the first track ‘Bad Bad Man’. The lyrics are uncompromising in their subject matter, the arrangements are gravelly – the overall effect is like being aurally garroted by an E string, albeit in the nicest possible way.
Having had the opportunity to see Gored Matadors live a couple of times now, this writer can see the effect that all that energy and rawness has on an audience and this is where this band stands out. You feel their performance more than hear it. Foiler’s stage presence accentuates rather than dominates the outfit, funneling the band’s combined energy and spraying it on the audience like a fire hose. Their music will amp you up rather than put you in your safe space and that is exactly what it is meant to do. This is a great EP and seeing these songs performed live will only make them greater for you.
Gored Matadors perform live for the launch of ‘Automatic Suck Mechanism’ at Darwin’s Happy Yess Saturday, November 18 2017 with support by James Damien. $10.00 entry, doors 9.00pm. The EP will be available for purchase at the venue.
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